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New CS 2 Update 14.09.2023: Fixes and Enhancements Unveiled

Hey there, CS enthusiasts and gamers! Just recently, on the night of September 14, 2023, the CS 2 team rolled out a fresh update. So, what’s in the package? Let’s dive in!

CS 2
What Got Fixed?

  1. Maps: Various glitches across all existing maps have been addressed.
  2. Game Mechanics: Bugs related to smoke grenades, Molotov cocktails, and hash grenades have been sorted out. Fire damage indicators have also seen improvements.
  3. Audio: You can now adjust the voice volume of individual players. Plus, the overall sound effects and settings have been enhanced.

CS 2
Extra Perks

  • UI and HUD have received some fine-tuning.
  • Water graphics are now less taxing on your FPS.
  • You can disable animated avatars if you wish.
  • Cosmetic upgrades for weapons, gloves, and stickers.

What’s Next?

On September 9, new beta test invites were sent out. Valve has also hinted that the CS 2 release is just around the corner.

So, are you geared up for the new challenges in the CS 2 universe? What updates are you most thrilled about? And the million-dollar question—when is the official release happening? Drop your thoughts in the comments! 🎮

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20 Juneee 2023 updated once again, adding and fixing some changes, you can read about them above. And you do not forget to follow the updates of the game on our site, as well as the game has: