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Valve has hinted at CS2’s release date of Sept. 27

Valve Drops Hints: Could CS2 Be Arriving on September 27?

Today, the official Twitter account for CS2’s developers released a cryptic tweet that has the gaming community buzzing. Although the CS2 release date remains a mystery, the latest update suggests the highly anticipated game could land this month!

What We Knew Before

Earlier reports indicated that Valve plans to launch CS2 between September 28 and 29, 2023. This was the first concrete hint following Valve’s vague initial promise of a “Summer 2023” release.

Geographic Factors

Given that Valve’s headquarters is located in Seattle, USA, many fans speculated the release would occur by September 23, marking the official end of summer in the States.

The Community Waits in Anticipation

Although gamers and fans have tossed around numerous potential release dates, the actual launch remains elusive. However, the recent tweet gives us reason to believe that CS2 is just around the corner. What are your thoughts? Will we soon be diving into the New World of CS2?

Пост был обновлен 21.09.2023 14:52. Появилась новая актуальная информация.
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