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Misha could not return to the game after disconnecting at TI11

Match OG and Team Liquid was suspended for more than half an hour, it is unknown whether the match will continue or not. Unbelievable thing happened, a bug with the return of the player on the server, Mikhail Misha Agatov decided to restart, because he lagged, but after he restarted, noticed that there is no way to return to the server. Just no button connect. From this we can understand that the match can not continue, now waiting for a decision from the tournament organizers.

At the time of the shutdown, the OG team was winning with a score of 24:7 and the margin in their favor was 14 thousand, but they can’t continue yet. According to Agatov’s teammates, he either accidentally clicked the “Quit Game” button or ran into a bug that causes the ability to return to the match to be lost when trying to reconnect.

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