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Using Graphics Cards for AI Development: A New Trend in Business.

Businessmen and cryptocurrency miners are exploring new ways to make money with their graphics cards. While mining used to be the primary use case for GPUs, more and more companies are now offering their computing power for artificial intelligence development.

For example, Hut 8 Mining has already earned over $16.9 million by providing computing power for AI. Hive BlockChain invested $66 million in purchasing graphics cards from NVIDIA and plans to earn over $98 million by the end of 2024. This trend is gaining momentum, and if it continues, AI and neural network-based services could make significant advancements.

Similar games where AI plays a significant role include:

  1. Cyberpunk 2077” – an RPG game developed by CD Projekt Red, set in a futuristic sci-fi world where artificial intelligence plays a major role.
  2. “Deus Ex” – a cyberpunk shooter where AI is also a crucial element of the plot.
  3. “AI War 2” – a real-time strategy game where players manage a space empire and battle against sentient machines.

Using graphics cards for AI development is a new trend that could reshape the business landscape in the coming years.

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