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Fan Discontent: Mary Jane in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 by Sony Sparks a Heated Debate

Sony recently showcased a render of Mary Jane from the anticipated game Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, and the public reaction was quite tumultuous. Fans of the legendary comic didn’t embrace the new look of Peter Parker’s darling.

The Bone of Contention: Mary Jane’s Appearance

According to comic book canons, Mary Jane Watson should be a highly attractive girl, inspiring Spider-Man to heroics. However, the image presented by Sony has left players rather disappointed:

  • Fans argue that Sony’s Mary Jane is not the heroine they’d want to rescue from Venom and other adversaries;
  • The departure from Mary Jane’s classic red hair color is another puzzling decision by the developers, with no known rationale;
  • Moreover, many have noted that the character looks much older than she should be according to the storyline.

Expectations and Reality: Disappointment Ahead of the Release

Such alterations to Mary Jane’s image could affect the perception of the game, which is set to hit the shelves on October 20, exclusively for PlayStation 5. This is particularly true for those nurtured on classic comics.

On the flip side, some find the changes to be quite justified and are eagerly awaiting the release. Nonetheless, the majority hope that the developers will heed the fans’ opinions and make adjustments to Mary Jane’s appearance.

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