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Reasons for the Burnout of RTX 3090: New World Creators Defend Their Innocence

Following the accusatory statements, Amazon Games has issued a statement regarding the MMO RPG New World, stating that only classic Microsoft tools have been used in the version. The accusation is unfounded, and Amazon Games bears no responsibility since it is not at fault for what happened.

The issue at hand was that Reddit made a public claim that popular Nvidia graphics cards (specifically from the manufacturer EVGA) were overheating and turning into junk after competing in New World. Based on numerous user comments, the game has no FPS limitations. However, the mystery of how a game can burn out a component rather than simply disabling its functionality remains unsolved to this day. Some gamers believe that the game’s interference with drivers leads to significant changes in functionality.

To avoid such unpleasant situations, Amazon Games is offering a patch to impose certain restrictions. It’s worth noting that Nvidia’s control panel allows users to do this themselves.

The post has been updated 06.01.2024 23:31. There is new relevant information.
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