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Wargaming Mobilizes Support for Emergency Vehicles with Impressive Fundraiser

Enthusiasts of Wargaming titles have stepped up in a remarkable display of charity, cumulatively purchasing over 90,000 support bundles across six games. This initiative has successfully raised over one million dollars, all of which has been channeled through UNITED24 to fund the acquisition of emergency vehicles.

Global Gaming Community Unites for a Cause

The fundraising campaign witnessed participation from players in 115 countries, showcasing significant contributions from Germany, the USA, Poland, the Czech Republic, and the United Kingdom. This global effort not only underscores the extensive reach of Wargaming’s community but also reflects a shared commitment to supporting Ukraine during challenging times.

A Heartfelt Thanks to the Community

Wargaming’s initiative serves as a powerful reminder of unity and support for Ukraine. A special acknowledgment goes to the company for orchestrating this fundraiser and to every participant whose generosity has made a tangible difference.

  • Over $1 million raised by Wargaming for emergency vehicles.
  • Global participation from 115 countries, with notable contributions from five key nations.
  • Funds directed through UNITED24 for immediate impact.

Your contributions have transcended beyond mere gaming, achieving a significant real-world impact. Thank you, Wargaming, and thank you to each supporter!

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