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call-of-duty-warzone - photo №118445

Call of Duty: Warzone

Game Genre: Action
Platforms: 37, PC, Windows
Game Release Date: 01 Jan 1970
Developer: Activision, Activision Blizzard
Features: 41
Age: 38+
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Guides by Call of Duty: Warzone

  1. What is Roze 2.0?
  2. What is an author code in Warzone
  3. Warzone release date
  4. Warzone Cup: how to play the mode?
  5. Do Modern Warzone weapons have stronger aim assist than Cold War weapons?

Content by Call of Duty: Warzone

News, Updates, Videos, Articles, FAQ, Promocodes

What does the rarity of weapons in Warzone affect?

How does weapon rarity differ in Warzone?

In Call of Duty Warzone, when you find a loot chest during the game, you can discover weapons of varying rarities:

  • Common (Gray).
  • Uncommon (Green).
  • Rare (Blue).
  • Epic (Purple).
  • Legendary (Orange).

The weapon’s rarity is indicated by a diamond-shaped icon located next to its name. The smallest icon means that the weapon has no modifications. There are a total of 5 weapon rarities, just like the possible modifications that can be equipped on them simultaneously. Legendary weapons have all 5 modifications, such as extended magazines, stocks, barrels, holographic sights, and more.

Does weapon rarity affect shooting in Warzone?

Modifications on weapons play a role in how the weapon behaves in combat. For example, different rarities of the same weapon type may deal different amounts of damage. How does this work? Some muzzle attachments, like extended barrels or muzzle brakes, can increase or decrease damage at a distance. Therefore, a rarer weapon may be more effective at long ranges but less effective in close-quarters combat.

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Activision - photo №118444
call-of-duty-warzone - photo №118445

Call of Duty: Warzone

Game Genre: Action
Platforms: 37, PC, Windows
Game Release Date: 01 Jan 1970
Developer: Activision, Activision Blizzard
Features: 41
Age: 38+
Watch game

Guides by Call of Duty: Warzone

  1. What is Roze 2.0?
  2. What is an author code in Warzone
  3. Warzone release date
  4. Warzone Cup: how to play the mode?
  5. Do Modern Warzone weapons have stronger aim assist than Cold War weapons?

Content by Call of Duty: Warzone

News, Updates, Videos, Articles, FAQ, Promocodes

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