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Half-Life 2: Episode Two - photo №113936
Half-Life 2: Episode Two - photo №113935

Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Game Genre: Action
Platforms: PC
Game Release Date: 10 Oct 2007
Developer: Valve
Features: Single-player

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In 2004, this game was released. Gordon Freeman returns to the game once again. He will have to deal with solving problems that have arisen from the experiment. The second part became even more popular. Valve managed to create a unique product. This shooter combines story elements perfectly, which are impossible to resist. The game is like a drug that you want to try again and again. Every time the gamer gets bored, the game presents him with new plot twists. There are a large number of exciting shootouts, boat rides, and storming missions here.

The player will not have time for rest and relaxation. You want to finish one mission as quickly as possible to start the next one. Half-Life 2 is a shooter with adventure elements, where all the settings are perfectly combined and there is no time for a break. This project definitely needs a continuation.

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