In a desperate war for the survival of Earth against ruthless alien enemies, the only way to win is to become one of them. Armed with advanced weapons and vehicles, supported by an elite Squad of marines, the hero is transported to the heart of the Strogg’s home planet and becomes Earth’s only hope for victory.
Quake IV is the fourth installment of the franchise, developed not by the parent company but by Raven Software. The game was released on October 18, 2005 for PC, Xbox 360, and Mac. It continues the storyline of Quake 2.
The multiplayer part of the game is very simple. There are a total of 14 maps and 5 game modes. Later patches and packs expanded the number of maps to 45 and added an additional game mode. The hero can choose from classic or team deathmatch, arcade mode, capture the flag, CTF arena, and team multiplayer format DeadZone. There are 20 types of enemies for the Earthlings to face. Twelve types of weapons are supported, and the levels are divided into 5 acts, each with its own storyline.
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