Humanity discovers the secret of portals. However, they are being exploited by a strange force codenamed “Quake,” which uses teleportation to send hordes of warriors to Earth with the aim of conquering the world. The ranger must reach the enemy portal by completing 32 levels and stop the invaders.
During the game, players must fight monsters of varying difficulty. In addition to hand-to-hand combat, the hero can use trophy and bonus weapons, as well as grenades. The game features numerous hidden secrets, such as secret caches with health packs and ammunition. The four difficulty levels differ in the types and quantities of monsters. The hero must not only kill enemies but also demonstrate resourcefulness and control skills to overcome various obstacles.
DOOM and Wolfenstein creators introduced a classic first-person shooter in 1996, which changed the world. Building on the successful elements that attracted players to DOOM, Quake adds a more gothic touch to the FPS genre and, like its predecessor, has spawned imitators and sequels over the years.
The post has been updated 13.10.2024 23:45. There is new relevant information.
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