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The match between OG and Liquid at TI11 continued after two hours of delay

Recall that the match of OG and Liquid was suspended after Misha accidentally left the match and could not return to the server. Two hours later, the problem was solved and the match returned from where it was before.

Misha disconnected from the match and lost the opportunity to return at the 26th minute of the first map, that is, about five and a half hours after the start of game day. At the time, Team OG led by 14k gold and by the count heavily. The official broadcasts after that interrupted and displayed information with the schedule and said stay tuned.

Viewers were pissed that PGL didn’t even give a rough timeline, so Reddit was tearing up that not only was the problem not being solved, but viewers were being kept watching N time on a blank screen.

Jernsaxe (Reddit user): Of course it was up to Valve to deal with the bug, but communicating with viewers is definitely PGL’s job. If they at least removed the phrase “The broadcast will continue soon” from the broadcast and REPLACED it with “Resolving the problem may take a couple of hours”, it would already be better than outright lying to viewers and the lack of any messages from the organizers.

OG battles Team Liquid in the seventh round of Group A – before the face-to-face meeting, the teams shared fourth place in the table.

UP: The match went on, Team Liquid is trying to flounder in spite of the situation. Although the odds on the team are 6 and the situation is very bad.
UP2: Team Liquid wins with a score of 24-43 in favor of OG.

Пост был обновлен 09.11.2023 20:46. Появилась новая актуальная информация.
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