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Streamer Ilya Maddison and Yuri Khovansky: rumors about sexual orientation and the truth about friendship

Rumors have recently appeared on the Web that streamer Ilya Maddison and Yuri Khovansky, popular personalities in the world of video games and social networks, may not just be friends, but also have another, closer connection. For the first time, Khovansky’s ex-girlfriend Maria Nelyubova spoke about this, claiming that she saw their “close friendship.” Rumors began to spread on the Web, but what is really going on between Maddison and Khovansky?

According to Maria, Khovansky, who had just been released from prison, first told her to write to Maddison. He was glad in response and came to Khovansky. They closed themselves in the bedroom and spent some time there in seclusion. However, Ilya Maddison explained this by saying that they just had to talk in private. Some time later, he deleted his posts about it from his Telegram channel.

Then blogger Stas Vasiliev spoke about the sexual orientation of Maddison and Khovansky. He said that one day, after filming with Khovansky, Maddison came to them and began to behave strangely, touching his knees and hugging him. He ran the outside of his hand through the blogger’s hair, which was unusual and surprised his wife.

Yuri Khovansky has not yet commented on these rumors, only laughing off this topic. Who knows, maybe it’s just a friendship between them, but maybe they will be the next celebrities to tell the world about their truth.

Пост был обновлен 09.11.2023 19:48. Появилась новая актуальная информация.
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