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Everything you can pump and unlock before the first season, except cameramen and camouflages

After the start of the first season, you can too, but you need a goal now.

Campaign rewards, they include 4 operators: These are the 4 base operators. Most likely there will be 2 or 4 milsim out of the box. These 4 will be unlocked for the campaign, and the other base ones for something else, like special ops and challanges in mp.

55 career levels: nothing new here, you just pump up 55 levels, unlock all the guns, perks, equipment and so on.

Gallery Everything you can pump and unlock before the first season, except cameramen and camouflages

Daytime and seasonal (preseason) missions: as always give a certain amount of experience and all sorts of business cards in special operations their tasks

Weapons: 51 guns need to pump up and unlock all the modules

Kits for special operations: Low Profile: stealth mission at night, you need to get intelligence on Al Qatala

Denied Area: need to destroy air defense with transports

Defender: Mt Zaya: this is a typical survival mission, entrench yourself in an observatory and defend your position against waves of enemies, between waves you can buy weapons, equipment and a series of kills

Special ops will have backpacks to store different equipment in, but there will also be 3 sets (perks, field modifications, assassination series):

Assault: box with shields, mini juggernaut, you can carry more plates and more stims.

Medic: quick reanimation with a reanimation gun. Drone with a bomb, double tactical run, claymores and mines.

Intelligence: you can scan the area, replenishment, more equipment, heartbeat sensor and binoculars.

Each set is pumped up to level 10, they advise pumping at least one to the max before the raids, which start December 14 and will be a continuation of the story.


there are 3 and they can be pumped up to include more items of equipment, they will be needed in raids

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