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Maddison on the drunken conflict between Morgenstern* and Khovansky: “Sinka is evil”.

Russian streamer Ilya Maddison commented on the drunken scuffle between Yuri Khovansky and Alisher Morgenstern*, which occurred on February 23 at the concert of the latter.

He does not know all the details of the incident, but firmly believes that “blue” is evil.

“I see the situation as follows: the man with tattoos on his face thought that calling Hova to his concert and letting him go on stage to the microphone was a good idea. But the audience didn’t appreciate such a muv. Most likely, people asked to remove him from the stage.

In the end, drunk Yura began to rage at the audience and finally got fed up with such behavior of the dude with tattoos on his face, who decided that the idea to call Hovan to the concert was still a bad and unsuccessful, but the new idea to punch Yura in the face began to seem good to him. <…>

In the end, however it was, I think that it is not nice to beat a drunk man, who is held by the guards, especially if you yourself hung out with him all day, you ate shavukha, and you put him in the concert. Although I was not there, nobody told me anything, maybe the situation was different, I just wrote how it could be. I do not believe in staging, as the video shows the real mutual rage.Perhaps, we will not know the whole truth. We are waiting for comments. Blue is evil, guys.” -Ilya Maddison, streamer and Khovansky’s friend

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